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Avoiding 3 Mistakes to maximise your fat loss process

Writer's picture: funfairfitnessfunfairfitness

Fat Loss

1- Cutting too much, too early

It is quite common that people with little or no experience in #diet and #nutrition cutting down their carbohydrates and fat too much too early.

As soon as they decide to lose #weight/fat for their X event or big holiday, first thing they do is eating less food.

For the gradual fat loss, one of the worst mistakes is to start out too harsh by cutting calories too much. after a while on a certain caloric intake, your body will adapt quickly and make it even harder to keep losing fat.

For example: Decreasing the fat (good ones) intakes will increase your hunger and cravings and you will be eating even more calorie-dense foods. Lowering fat will also increase depression symptoms which eventually increasing ‘binge eating’ and depression. That is why in most cases people will feel awful and bad about themselves which is a sign of depression.

A good approach instead would be starting with the smallest caloric deficit that will allow you to lose around 300-700gr per week and as your fat loss slowed down then increasing the caloric deficit will get you back on track.

Balanced Diet

2- Too much of Cardio, Too early.

Doing cardio is one of the best ways to keep ourselves fit and to have a healthy heart& lungs. But the problem starts when people who want to lose fat become too obsessed with doing cardio as it is the only way keeping fat off the body. For example: if you start doing 5 sessions of cardio per week, 1 hour/each, what if your fat loss stalled? Would you add another session, another hour or even more, 7 days/week? Of course not! You cannot do 90 min of cardio, 7 days a week for ever. Its not sustainable.

Instead, you can start with a little cardio with a low intensity then you may want to add more when your weight loss stalled.


3- Not Measuring their Food and Workouts:

With the #workouts, if your #fat loss slows down you can add 5 more minutes to your #cardio or add a couple of more working sets to burn X number of #calories but what about your #food? If you do not know how much you are eating, then how would you adjust?

Instead, you could measure your food and workouts by doing for example portioning/weighing your food, keeping workout log etc so that you can adjust your food and workouts to determine how much calories you would need to burn to get the best result and sustain a healthy fat loss.

Toning Up

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