
2 min

Common terms and phrases used in the gym while strength training - Beginner's Guide

Updated: Mar 22

In a simple term, strength training is a form of physical exercise that we use resistance or load to help build overall strength and size of muscles in different parts of our body and it can be done anywhere.

why is it?

The resistance can be in the form of your own body weight or any type of gym kit, Dumbbells, kettlebells, Barbells, Cable machines or Resistance Bands.

Entering the realm of strength training can feel like stepping into a foreign land, filled with unfamiliar terminology and equipment. Whether it's your first time at the gym or you're just starting to explore this form of exercise, navigating through terms like "superset," "failure," or "1 rep max" can be daunting.

Having spent years in personal training, training myself and others, I understand the confusion that arises when faced with these jargon-laden conversations.

Even now, I encounter terms that leave me scratching my head. But fear not! I've compiled a comprehensive list of common words and phrases to demystify strength training for beginners and intermediates alike.

Strength Training - Terms

Drawing from my own experience, training materials, insights from seasoned trainers, and online resources, this guide aims to provide clarity amidst the gym chatter. While it may not encompass every term you'll encounter, it's a solid foundation to help you grasp the essentials.

So, whether you're eager to embark on your fitness journey or seeking to refine your technique, this free e-book is your roadmap to understanding the language of strength training. Click the arrow below to download your copy and unleash the full potential of your workouts. Happy lifting!

If you are interested to start your strength training in a Fun, Engaging and challenging format, book a free trial session today.